NB Red Dot HF Baffle
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Hunter Douglas Architectural has won a prestigious international design award for its innovative HeartFelt® Baffles ceiling system

Each baffle panel measures 40mm to 80mm in width and is available in 100-500mm height, up to a maximum length of 2000 mm. Because the material is 100% recyclable, they have been C2C Bronze certified from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

HeartFelt® Baffles maintain excellent acoustic properties with ceiling absorption values (αw) achieving between 0.45 and 0.70.

HeartFelt® Baffle ceilings have already been delivered and installed in four major projects across the world: The Amsterdam Denton Advocaten, Netherlands; the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Brussels LDC Forum, Belgium; and the Paris Bureaux CAP, France.
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Project Denton, Amsterdam
This Legal firm were provided with a variety of ceilings from the Hunter Douglas range using a combination of materials including HeartFelt® Baffles.
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HeartFelt® Baffle samples
Feel and experience the material of our HeartFelt® Baffles-product.
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Your input needed!
We are developing a range of options for our new HeartFelt® Baffle ceiling system – and we would welcome your input!
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