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Hunter Douglas
QuadroClad® QC200 is our ULTIMATE panel, it is a fully engineered panel with aluminum extrusion frames on four sides. Our specially designed extrusion top profile ensures easy screw fix installation on every substructure. The visual closed joint of the QC200 lays deeper, which creates a lifting effect and one that further accentuates the visual appearance of each panel.
QC200 Quadroclad® Honeycomb
Guide to Façades
Technical Brochure

Façade type: QuadroClad® QC200 | Project: ANB Bank - Cherry Creek North, Denver, USA | Architect: Open Studio Architecture

Façade type: QuadroClad® QC200 | Project: ANB Bank - Cherry Creek North, Denver, USA | Architect: Open Studio Architecture

Façade type: QuadroClad® QC200 | Project: ANB Bank - Cherry Creek North, Denver, USA | Architect: Open Studio Architecture

Façade type: QuadroClad® QC200 | Project: ANB Bank - Cherry Creek North, Denver, USA | Architect: Open Studio Architecture

Façade type: QuadroClad® QC200 | Project: ANB Bank - Cherry Creek North, Denver, USA | Architect: Open Studio Architecture
QC200 Quadroclad® Honeycomb
Guide to Façades
Technical Brochure
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