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Hunter Douglas
Discover our versatile ceiling and wall solutions in wood
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Fire Rated FSC-certified wood ceiling for the NAC
Hunter Douglas supplied sustainable fire rated ceiling and wall cladding for the New Administrative Centre (Nieuw Administratief Centrum, NAC) in the Belgian town of Houthalen. HunterDouglas® wood Grill System in American Red Oak was chosen due to it’s sustainable design. The wood has received the FSC hallmark for responsible forest management. Hunter Douglas was the only supplier able to meet the strict conditions set by the FSC. Alongside sustainability, fire safety was also an important requirement so the HunterDouglas® wood Grill for the NAC in Houthalen has been treated with a fire retardant impregnation, and complies with the European fire safety standard (SBI test) B-S2-d0.
Free wood ceilings booklet: for a natural look
HunterDouglas® wood ceilings and walls are an attractive and organic feature, and are ideal for commercial applications, for example in hotels, restaurants, entrance halls and auditoria, to name but a few. The solid wood ceiling range consists of either a linear system with an option for open or closed joint or a Grill system. However, both always go hand in hand with a sustainable construction. HunterDouglas® solid wood ceilings also offer a great deal of design freedom for both interior and outdoor applications, outstanding acoustic properties, and optional fire retardant properties to ensure improved interior design and comfort.
Also in our range: textile and metal ceilings
As well as wood, Hunter Douglas also offers textile and metal ceiling solutions. Techstyle® – our textile ceiling range – consists of large, flat, lightweight ceiling panels, which ensure a bright and homogenous look, sustainability, easy plenum access, simple concealed mounting and excellent acoustics. With metal ceilings, varying from linear to wide panels, cell ceilings, curved ceilings and cassettes, every imaginable solution in metal is possible.
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