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Hunter Douglas
Our commitment to sustainability has led to HSBC’s new ring-fenced banking headquarters in Birmingham, one of the greenest offices in the city. A total of 950m² ceiling panels and 750m² Veneered grill were supplied. All the wood is FSC certified and committed to the Cradle to Cradle principle in its product development.
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Ceiling type: Veneered Wood Grill | Project: HSBC Headquarters, Birmingham, UK | Architect: Robbert Matthew Johnson Marshal

Ceiling type: Veneered Wood Panel | Project: HSBC Headquarters, Birmingham, UK | Architect: Robbert Matthew Johnson Marshal

Ceiling type: Veneered Wood Grill | Project: HSBC Headquarters, Birmingham, UK | Architect: Robbert Matthew Johnson Marshal

Ceiling type: Veneered Wood Grill | Project: HSBC Headquarters, Birmingham, UK | Architect: Robbert Matthew Johnson Marshal
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